From 60,000 Lightyears ... A Star Trek Podcast

The TOS Movies (Star Trek I - VI)

@JClark787 @TrekkieB47 Season 1 Episode 3

The observation journey through Star Trek continues this month with the first six Star Trek movies that feature the cast from The Original Series. Hosts JClark and Eric Berry go through each film from The Motion Picture to The Undiscovered Country looking at the highs and lows of this period for Trek as it moves the franchise forward. They even seek to find something nice to say about Star Trek V!

The Motion Picture: 00:00
Wrath of Khan: 21:20
Search For Spock: 41:50
The Voyage Home: 54:22
Final Frontier: 1:08:20
Undiscovered Country: 1:17:45
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